
2016年度 2015年度 2014年度 2013年度 2012年度
( i ) 自然災害に関する気候変動リスク情報の創出
Takayabu, I., K. Hibino, H. Sasaki, H. Shiogama, N. Mori, Y. Shibutani, T. Takemi, 2015
Climate change effects on the worst-case storm surge: a case study of Typhoon Haiyan. Environmental Research Letters, 10, 064011, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/10/6/064011.
Mori, N., and T. Takemi, 2015
Impact assessment of coastal hazards due to future changes of tropical cyclones in the North Pacific Ocean. Weather and Climate Extremes, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2015.09.002.
伊勢湾台風を対象とした高潮追算のためのJRA55再解析データの力学的ダウンスケール、土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学)、71(2)、I_1699-I_1704. doi:10.2208/kaigan.71.I_1699.
Tomokazu Murakami, Shinya Shimokawa, Jun Yoshino, and Takashi Yasuda,
A new index for evaluation of risk of complex disaster due to typhoons, Natural Hazards, doi:10.1007/s11069-015-1824-5, 2015.
高解像度台風-高潮結合モデルによる台風1330号とそれに伴う高潮の再現実験、土木学会論文集B2 71(2)、I_1519-I_1524、2015
中北英一、草野晴香、峠嘉哉、Sunmin KIM、2016
Kazuyoshi Nishijima, 2015
Concept of decision graphical framework for optimising adaptation of civil infrastructure to a changing climate, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, doi:10.1080/15732479.2015.1020496.
Ito, R., T. Takemi, and O. Arakawa, 2016
A possible reduction in the severity of typhoon hazard in the northern part of Japan under global warming. SOLA.
Yasuko Okada, Tetsuya Takemi, Hirohiko Ishikawa, 2015
Future changes in precipitation and atmospheric fields during the baiu season under RCP scenarios. 26th IUGG General Assembly 2015, Prague Congress Centre, Prague, Czeck Republic, 22 June-2 July 2015, Abstract M10p-222.
Yasuko Okada, Tetsuya Takemi, Hirohiko Ishikawa, Shoji Kusunoki, Ryo Mizuta, 2015
Future changes of the baiu and mean atmospheric fields by a global warming. 12th Annual Meeting Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Singapore, 2-7 August 2015, AS01-D3-AM1-330-001.
Tetsuya Takemi, Rui Ito, Osamu Arakawa, 2015
Assessment of typhoon hazards under global warming:Case studies on severe typhoons with downscaling experiments. International Workshop on Issues in Downscaling of Climate Change Projection. International Congress Center EPOCHAL Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, 5-7 October 2015, 4_7.
領域気象モデルダウンスケーリングによる台風災害影響評価、平成27年度京都大学防災研究所共同研究集会「台風研究会」『複合系台風災害のメカニズムに関する研究集会 ― 気象学・海洋学・海岸工学・土木工学・建築工学・生態学を交えて ― 』、京都府宇治市京都大学宇治キャンパス、2015年10月31日~11月1日.
Tetsuya Takemi, Yasuko Okada, Takashi Unuma, 2015
Characteristics, environmental properties, and future changes of warm-season convective precipitation in Japan. The 8th Japan-Taiwan Joint Seminar on Natural Hazard Mitigation in 2015, Uji, Kyoto, Japan, 7-8 December 2015.
Tetsuya Takemi, 2015
Evolution and Intensification of Cyclone Pam (2015) from Active Convective Populations within a Madden-Julian Oscillation Event in March 2015. AGU 2015 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 14-18 December 2015, Abstract A22E-02.
Tetsuya Takemi, 2016
Projected changes in meteorological hazards under global warming.The 4th DPRI-NCDR Workshop, National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction, Taipei, Taiwan, 21-22 January 2016.
高解像度台風モデルによる台風ハイエン (台風1330号)の再現実験、土木学会中部支部研究発表会、2015年3月6日、愛知県豊橋市
高解像度台風 ― 高潮モデルによる台風1330号の災害外力に関する再現実験、土木学会平成27年度全国大会、岡山県岡山市、2015年9月16日
フィリピン中部を襲った台風1330号の気象・海象場に関する再現実験、平成27年度京都大学防災研究所共同研究集会「台風研究会」、京都府宇治市、2015年 11月1日
北海道における森林の風倒予測、2015:2004年18号台風の21世紀末擬似温暖化実験、平成27年度京都大学防災研究所共同研究集会「台風研究会」、京都、2015年10 月31日
Kosuke Nakagawa, Junko Morimoto, Yasuto Furukawa, Yoshio Mishima, Kenta Ogawa, Tetsuya Takemi,
    Kohei Takano, Masahiro Aiba, Michio Oguro, 2015
Developing windthrow risk model for plantation management strategy under climate change. The 9th International Association of Landscape Ecology World Congress, Hilton Portland and Executive Tower, Portland, Oregon, 5-10 July 2015, P04-12(ポスター発表)
Rui Ito, Takehiko Satomura, Tetsuya Takemi, 2015
Idealized experiments on the development of urban warming under various geographical conditions using a meso-scale meteorological model. The 9th International Conference on Urban Climate, Centre de Congrès Pierre Baudis, Toulouse, France, 20-24 July 2015, POSTER 10: UCP(ポスター発表)
Junichi Ninomiya, Tetsuya Takemi, Nobuhito Mori, Yoko Shibutani, Sooyoul Kim, 2015
Dynamical downscaling of Typhoon Vera (1959) and related storm surge based on JRA-55 reanalysis. AGU 2015 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 14-18 December 2015, Abstract NH51C-1906(ポスター発表)
Yasuko Okada, Tetsuya Takemi, Hirohiko Ishikawa, 2015
Future changes in atmospheric condition for the baiu under RCP scenarios. AGU 2015 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 14-18 December 2015, Abstract A13A-0303(ポスター発表)
Rui Ito, Tetsuya Takemi, 2015
Sensitivity of severe storm over a complex terrain to model resolution for Typhoon Songda in 2004. AGU 2015 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 14-18 December 2015, Abstract A41G-0140(ポスター発表)
「豪雨災害の現状と今後のゆくえ」、第27回(平成27年度)砂防研究報告会 特別講演、東京都千代田区 砂防会館、2015年10月8日
異常気象災害、「災害対策全書別冊「国難」となる巨大災害に備える~東日本大震災から得た教訓と知見~」、公益財団法人ひょうご震災記念21世紀研究機構「国難」となる50巨大災害に備える編集会議編、ぎょうせい、pp. 538-541、645 pp.、ISBN978-324-10007-3(書籍:分担執筆)
奥 勇一郎・2016
Hasegawa, A., M. Gusyev, T. Ushiyama, J. Magome and Y. Iwami, 2015
Drought assessment in the Pampanga River basin, the Philippines – Part 2: A comparative SPI approach for quantifying climate change hazards. In Weber, T., M. J. McPhee and R. S. Anderssen (eds) MODSIM2015, 21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and new Zealand, 2388-2394. ISBN:978-0-9872143-5-5.
J. Magome, M.A. Gusyev, A. Hasegawab, and K. Takeuchib
River discharge simulation of a distributed hydrological model on global scale for the hazard quantification, Proceedings of the 21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM 2015), November 29th – December 4th, Queensland, Australia., 2015.
Kobayashi K., Kitamura D., Ando K. and Noriyuki O.
Parallel computing for high-resolution/large-scale flood simulation using the K supercomputer,Hydrological Research Letter 9, 4, pp. 61-68, doi:10.3178/hrl.9.61, 2015
Kwak, A., B. Arifuzzanman, Y. Iwami, 2015
Prompt Proxy Mapping of Flood Damaged Rice Fields using MODIS-derived Indices. Remote Sensing, MDPI7(12), 15969-15988.
Magome J., Gusyev M.A., Hasegawa A., K. Takeuchi, 2015
River discharge simulation of a distributed hydrological model on global scale for the hazard quantification. 21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Society of Australia and New Zealand, 1593-1599.
Hanittinan, P., Tachikawa, Y., Ichikawa, Y., and Yorozu, K.
Evaluation of future river discharge uncertainties in the Indochina Peninsula simulated by multi-physics ensemble experiments using two-way ANOVA. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), 72(4).
Supattana Wichakul, Yasuto Tachikawa, Michiharu Shiiba and Kazuaki Yorozu
River discharge assessment under a changing climate in the Chao Phraya River, Thailand by using MRI-AGCM3.2S, Hydrological Research Letters 9(4), 84-89 (2015)
宮脇航平・立川康人・田中智大・石井大貴・市川 温・萬 和明・竹見哲也
田中 智大・立川 康人・椎葉 充晴・萬 和明・2015
林 敬大・立川 康人・椎葉充晴
立川 康人・森 信治・キム スンミン・萬 和明
非定常水文頻度解析手法を用いた極値降水量の変化予測 ― 地球温暖化予測情報への適用 ― 、土木学会論文集、B1(水工学)、Vol.71、No.4、I_367-I_372、2015.
田中智大・立川 康人・萬 和明
降雨の時空間分布を考慮した浸水・氾濫に対する水害リスクカーブの作成 ― 、土木学会論文集、B1(水工学)、Vol.71、No.4、I_483-I_488、2015.
田中智大・立川 康人・市川 温・萬 和明
降雨継続時間に対する総降雨量の条件付き確率分布を用いた水害リスクカーブの作成 ― 、土木学会論文集、B1(水工学)、72(4)
長谷川聡・M. Gusyev・岩見洋一、2015
Kwak, A., J. Park, Y. Iwami, 2015
Large-scale Flood Monitoring: Where is the most exposed to large flood in Asia? American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2015
J. Magome, M.A Gusyevb, and K. Takeuchi, 2015
Global Hydrological Hazard Evaluation System (Global BTOP) Using Distributed Hydrological Model. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2015.
武田 誠・西田貢士郎・村瀬将隆・川池健司、2016
武田 誠・久野智弘・中村正司・松尾直規、2016
西田貢士郎・武田 誠・島田嘉樹・松尾直規、2015
島田嘉樹・武田 誠・松尾直規、2015
中島勇介・村瀬将隆・松田知也・武田 誠・渋谷容子、2016
松浦純生・柴崎達也・佐藤北斗・大澤 光・中町 聡・阿部 修・平島寛行、2015
Korea University, Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS), GPAS Japan Special Lecture Series, Impact of climate change on hydrologic cycle, water resources, and water-related disaster and adaptation measures to cope with them (May 12).
The 22ndHydraulic Engineering Conference, Climate Change Conference, NCKU, Water Resources Agency, Ministry of Economics Affairs, Taiwan)Impact Assessment of Climate Change Water-Related Disasters for Building Up an Adaptation Strategy ASEAN Academic Networking in Water Disaster Management and Climate Change (Nov.6)
松浦純生 2015
積雪地帯に伝わる地方固有の「知」を科学し、地域防災の「技」に役立てる、田中隆文編著、想定外を生まない防災科学 ― 全てを背負う「知の野生化」 ― 、古今書院、247-255
Shimura, T., Mori, N. and Mase, H., 2015
Future Projection of Ocean Wave Climate: Analysis of SST Impacts on Wave Climate Changes in the Western North Pacific, Jour. of Climate, Vol. 28, Issue 8, pp.3171-3190, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00187.1.
Karunarathna, H., Kuriyama, Y., Mase, H., Horrillo-Caraballo, J.M. and a, Dominic E. Reeve, D.E., 2015
Forecasts of seasonal to inter-annual beach change using a reduced physics beach profile model, Jour. Marine Geology, Vol. 365, pp.14-20, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2015.03.009.
Takayabu, I., Hibino, K., Sasaki, H., Shiogama, H., Mori, N., Shibutani, Y. and Takemi, T., 2015
Climate change effects on the worst-case storm surge: a case study of Typhoon Haiyan, Environmental Research Letters, pp.1-9, Vol.10, 064011,doi:10.1088/1748-9326/10/6/064011.
Karunarathna, H., Mase, H. and Baba, Y., 2015
Analysis of multi-scale morphodynamic behaviour of a high energy beach facing the Sea of Japan, Original Research, Frontiers in Marine Science, 10p., doi:10.3389/fmars.2015.00051.
Mase, H., Tamada, T., Yasuda, T., Karunarathna, H. and Reeve, D.E., 2015
Analysis of climate change effects on seawall reliability, Coastal Eng. Jour., Vol.57, No.3, pp.1550010-1 - 1550010-18, doi: 10.1142/S0578563415500102.
Kim, S., Mori, N., Mase, H. and Yasuda, T.
The role of sea surface drag in a coupled surge and wave model for Typhoon Haiyan 2013, Jour. Ocean Modelling, 10.1016/j.ocemod.2015.06.004
Mori, N. and T. Takemi, 2015
Impact assessment of coastal hazards due to future changes of tropical cyclones in the North Pacific Ocean, Weather and Climate Extremes, 10.1016/j.wace.2015.09.002
Kennedy, A., N. Mori, Y. Zhang, T. Yasuda, S.E. Chen, Y. Tajima, W. Pecor, K. Toride
Observations and modeling of coastal boulder transport and loading during super typhoon Haiyan, Coastal Engineering Journal, doi: 10.1142/S0578563416400040
林 健太郎・澁谷 容子・黒岩 正光・森 信人・間瀬 肇、2015
気候変動による沿岸外力特性の変化が海浜に及ぼす影響 ― 鳥取県浦富海岸 ― 、土木学会論文集B2(海洋開発)、Vol.71、No.2、pp.I_149-I_424
森 信人・志村智也・釜堀弘隆・Arun Chawla・安田誠宏・間瀬 肇、2015
JRA-55にもとづく長期波浪推算と波候特性の解析、土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学)、Vol.71、No.2、pp. I_103-I_108
東京湾における高潮災害ポテンシャルの評価に関する検討、土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学)、Vol.71、No.2. pp、I_199-I_204
金 洙列・松見吉晴・出田裕二郎・間瀬 肇・森 信人・安田誠宏、2015
ニューラルネットワークによる高潮予測モデル、土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学)、Vol.71、No.2、pp. I_223-I_228、2015
森 信人・高木友典・間瀬 肇・安田誠宏・島田広昭
極端な気象擾乱における高波の非線形特性について、土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学)、Vol.71、No.2、pp. I_457-I_462.
森 信人・今井優樹・二宮順一・安田誠宏・間瀬 肇、2015
CMIP5にもとづくダウンスケーリング計算による瀬戸内海熱環境場の将来変化予測、土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学)、Vol.71、No.2、pp. I_469-I_474.
間瀬 肇・相松 孝暢・梁 靖雅・玉田 崇・安田 誠宏・森 信人、2015
森 信人・岸本理紗子・志村智也・安田誠宏・間瀬 肇、2015
全球の統計的波高推定手法の開発と将来変化予測への応用、土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学)、Vol.71、No.2、pp. I_1501-I_1506.
安田誠宏・片平成明・森 信人・間瀬 肇・澁谷容子、2015
澁谷容子・中條壮太・森 信人・金 洙列・間瀬 肇、2015
気候変動に伴う最大クラス台風経路と高潮偏差および再現期間の推定 ― 伊勢湾における検討 ―、土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学)、Vol.71、No.2、pp.I_1513-I_1518.
志村智也・森 信人・Mark A. Hemer・安田誠宏・間瀬 肇、2015
北太平洋における冬季の波候と大規模循環場の将来変化予測、土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学)、Vol.71、No.2、pp. I_1525-I_1530.
二宮順一・竹見哲也・森 信人・2015
伊勢湾台風を対象とした高潮追算のためのJRA55再解析データの力学的ダウンスケール、土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学)、Vol.71、No.2、pp. I_1699-I_1704.
Toshikazu Kitano, Sivaranjani Jayaprasad, Wataru Kioka, 2015
An Extended Poisson test for detecting the difference between the past and future rates of extremes of sea wave height, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 116, pp.583–591.
北野利一・喜岡 渉、2015
気候変動による影響の検出に伴う2つの過誤のバランス、土木学会論文集B2 (海岸工学)、Vol.71、No.2、p. I_97-I_102
Karunarathna, H., Kuriyama, Y., Mase, H., Horrillo-Caraballo, J. and Reeve, D.E., 2015
Modelling Inter-annual scale beach change, Proc. Coastal Sediment, San Diego, USA, ASCE, CD-ROM, 10 p.
Karunarathna, H., Mase, H. and Bba, Y., 2015
Analysis multi-scale beach change, E-proceedings of the 36th IAHR World Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, 9p.
Kim, S., Mori, N., Shibutani, Y., Yasuda, T., Mase, H. and Oh, J.H., 2015
Storm surge simulations of Typhoon Haiyan 2013 using a parametric wind and pressure model, Proc. 25th Int. Ocean and Polar Eng. Conf., Hawaii, USA, pp.1127-1131.
Oh, J., Kim, S., Suh, K.D., Yasuda, T. and Mase, H, 2015
Impact of Future Tropical Cyclones on Storm Surges around the Korean Peninsula, 5th International Summit on Hurricanes and Climate Change, Creta, Greece
Kim, S., Matsumi, Y., Pan S. and Mase, H., 2015
Real-time wave prediction using artificial neural network, SCACR2015 – International Short Course/Conference on Applied Coastal Research, Florence, Italy.
A Simple but Enhanced Test for Detecting the Occurrence Difference in Past and Future Climates,
    Extreme Value Analysis. Ann Arbor, USA, 15-19th June, 2015.
Balancing Two Types Errors in Detecting the Difference between the Occurrence Rates of Extremes
    due to the Climate Change, International Conference on Advances in Extreme Value Analysis and Application
    to Natural Hazards, IH Cantabria, Santander, Spain, 16-18th Sept. 2015.
森 信人・中北英一・竹見哲也・立川康人 (2015)
気候変動にともなう風水害の将来変化予測の現状について、環境情報科学「特集:気候変動 ― 未来選択に向けて」、44巻1号、pp.12-17
第20章 定常過程の離散時間、連続時間の極値、pp.593-613、時系列分析ハンドブック(監訳者:北川源四郎、田中勝人、川崎能典)、朝倉書店、2016
森 信人
第14回国際沿岸防災ワークショップセッションプログラム(高潮・高波) ― ハリケーンカトリーナから10年 ― で、「Recent Storm Surge and Extreme Wave Disasters and Influence of ClimateChange」について話題提供、港湾空港技術研究所、国土交通省港湾局、沿岸技術研究センター、7月27日
森 信人・安田誠宏・西嶋一欽・志村智也
NHK「ニュース・バヌアツ サイクロンの高波300m以上内陸に」、2015年4月25日
森 信人・安田誠宏・西嶋一欽・志村智也
NHK「NHKニュース7・バヌアツ"猛烈"サイクロン 強風・高波の状況分かる」、2015年5月04日
森 信人・安田誠宏・西嶋一欽・志村智也
NHK BS1 「国際報道2015 ・高波20m 猛烈サイクロンの実態 」、2015年5月19日
森 信人
毎日新聞「くらしナビ・気象・防災:脅威、スーパー台風 風速60メートル、高潮リスク増大」、2015年10月02日
森 信人
NHK「NHKニュース7・温暖化予測 今世紀末に想定上回る大雨や高潮頻発も」、2015年12月10日
水域防災を考える ― 千年確率は千分の一の確率ではありません,平成27年度河川関係事務研修会(主催:静岡県、静岡県河川協会)、2015年9月2日、もくせい会館
Lecture about Governance and Experiences from Natural Disaster: Think the probabilities, anticipate the river and coastal flood, Bohorizon Workshop, 26th Oct. 2015, Tubigon, and Bohorizon Special Lecture #4, 27th Oct. 2015, Bohol Island State University.
甚大災害の外力想定に必要となる極値統計解析法 ~ その基礎となる理論根拠とその限界 ~、コア技術フォーラム(CS1作用評価技術)、平成27年11月18日、鹿島 建設技術研究所
Xinyu Jiang, Nobuhito Mori, Hirokazu Tatano, Lijiao Yang, Yoko Shibutani
Estimation of property loss and business interruption loss caused by storm surge inundation due to climate change: a case of Typhoon Vera revisit, Natural Hazards, 1-15 (First online : 23 November 2015), doi:10.1007/s11069-015-2085-z.
Toshio Fujimi, Masahide Watanabe, Ryuji Kakimoto, Hirokazu Tatano
Perceived ambiguity about earthquake and house destruction risks, Natural Hazards, 80(2), pp 1243-1256, 2016.1, doi:10.1007/s11069-015-2021-2
Lijiao Yang, Hirokazu Tatano, Yoshio Kajitani, and Xinyu Jiang
A Case Study on Estimation of Business Interruption Losses to Industrial Sectors Due to Flood Disasters, Journal of Disaster Research, 10(5), pp.981-990, 2015
環境負荷軽減と災害被害軽減を両立する企業の事業継続計画手法(BCP)に関するモデル分析:雨水利用を対象として、水文・水資源学会誌、Vol.28、No.4、 pp.165-175, 2015.
Muneta Yokomatsu, Tetsuro Kajihara, Hideyuki Ito, Wisinee Wisetjindawat
Risk-diversified Allocation for Storing of Disaster Relief Goods by Stockpile Sharing Strategy: A Case Study in Japan, the Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, October 9-12, Hong Kong, pp.598-605, 2015.
Hitomu Kotani and Muneta Yokomatsu
Role of Local Festivals on Network Formation among a Variety of Residents in a Community, the Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, October 9-12, Hong Kong, pp.832-839, 2015.
Subhajyoti Samaddar, Muneta Yokomatsu, Frederick Dayour, Martin Oteng-Ababio, Togbiga Dzivenu,
    Mujeeb Adams and Hirohiko Ishikawa
Evaluating Effective Public Participation in Disaster Management and Climate Change Adaptation: Insights from Northern Ghana Through a User-Based Approach, Risk, Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp0117-143, 2015.
Masahide Watanabe, Toshio Fujimi
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Toshio Fujimi, Yoshio Kajitani, Ryuji Kakimoto, Mamoru Yoshida
Electricity saving in residential sector for adaptation to electricity crisis, Proc. of the 11th Annual International Conference of the International Institute for Infrastructure Renewal and Reconstruction the Disaster Management, III-4, 2015.
Ryuji Kakimoto, Mamoru Yoshida, Toshio Fujimi, Hwayoung Kim
The Factors of Promoting and impeding Precautionary Evacuation Behavior, Proc. of the 11th Annual International Conference of the International Institute for Infrastructure Renewal and Reconstruction the Disaster Management, II-1-1, 2015.
Yoshio Kajitani, Kazuyoshi Nakano and Hirokazu Tatano
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Yoshio Kajitani and Hirokazu Tatano
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石渡裕明・鈴木悠史・澤田洋平・Asif NASEER・横松宗太・小池俊雄
Muneta Yokomatsu
Indeterminacy of Recovery Process of Economy of Affected Regions Within the Compass of Economic Analyses: Needs for Complementary Approach, The 6th Conference of the International Society for Integrated Disaster Risk Management, Scope Complex, New Delhi, India, 28 – 30 October, 2015.
Muneta Yokometsu, Yushi Suzuki, Hiroaki Ishiwata, Yohei Sawada, Asif Naseer,
    Muhammad Cheema, Toshio Koike
Economic Impact of Drought on Balanced Development: A Multi-Sector and Multi-Region Model of Pakistan, The 6th Conference of the International Society for Integrated Disaster Risk Management, Scope Complex, New Delhi, India, 28 – 30 October, 2015.
Hiroaki Ishiwata, Muneta Yokomatsu, Yohei Sawada and Toshio Koike, Muhammad Cheema
Multi-Sector Open-Economy Model of Drought and International Risk Sharing, The 6th Conference of the International Society for Integrated Disaster Risk Management, Scope Complex, New Delhi, India, 28 – 30 October, 2015.
Hitomu Kotani, Muneta Yokomatsu
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Hideyuki Ito, Muneta Yokomatsu, Wisinee Wisetjindawat
Dealing with Individual Donations in an Aftermath of a Large-Scale Disaster: Logistics Issues and Coordination among the Involved Sectors, The 6th Conference of the International Society for Integrated Disaster Risk Management, Scope Complex, New Delhi, India, 28 – 30 October, 2015.
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Badri Bhakta Shrestha, Hisaya Sawano, Miho Ohara, Naoko Nagumo, 2015
Badri Bhakta Shrestha, Toshio Okazumi, Mamoru Miyamoto, Hisaya Sawamo, 2015
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大原美保・南雲直子・Badri Bhakta Shrestha・澤野久弥、2015
地域データの乏しいアジアの洪水常襲地帯における簡便な洪水リスク評価手法に関する研究 ― フィリピン共和国パンパンガ川流域を対象として ― 、地域安全学会論文集、27、225-235.
M.A Gusyev, A. Hasegawa, J. Magome, D. Kuribayashi, H. Sawano, S. Lee, 2015
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Hasegawa, A., M. Gusyev, T. Ushiyama, J. Magome and Y. Iwami , 2015
Drought assessment in the Pampanga River basin, the Philippines Part 2: A comparative SPI approach for quantifying climate change hazards. 21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Gold Coast,Australia.
Naoko NAGUMO, Hisaya SAWANO, 2015
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長谷川聡・Maksym Gusyev・岩見洋一、2015
Ushiyama, Miyamoto, Hasegawa, Iwami, 2015
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Ushiyama, Miyamoto, Hasegawa, Iwami, 2015
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Daisuke KURIBAYASHI, 2015
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A comparative SPI approach for quantifying historical and on-going droughts in the Pampanga River Basin. the Philippines,21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Gold Coast, Australia.
M. Gusyev, A. Hasegawa. P. Sanchez and H. Sawano, 2015
Using drought indicators for disaster risk management: A case study of dam infrastructure in the Pampanga River Basin, the Philippines. APEC Climate Symposium 2015, Manila, Philippines.
M. Gusyev, A. Hasegawa, J. Magome, H. Umino and H. Sawano, 2015
Drought assessment in the Pampanga River basin, the Philippines - Part 3: Evaluating climate change impacts on dam infrastructure with standardized indices. 21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Gold Coast, Australia.
Kuniyoshi Takeuchi, Maksym Gusyev, Jun Magome and Muhammad Masood, 2015
Global Floods and Droughts Simulation to Support the International Flood Initiative and the International Drought Initiative of the UNESCO International Hydrological Programme. AGU 2015 Fall Meeting, December 14 – 18, San Francisco, USA..
アジアにおける水災害リスク評価と適応策情報の創生、「水災害分野における気候変動による影響と適応に関するシンポジウム」~後悔しないためのパラダイムとは~、国立オリンピック記念青少年総合センター カルチャー棟 小ホール、平成27年5月29日
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Flood Disaster Risk Management for Disaster Risk Reduction / WORKSHOP ON RISKS AND IMPACTS ON FLOODS FROM EXTREME EVENTS IN ASEAN COUNTRIES (Republic of Indonesia) ,5 August 2015
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Hisaya Sawano,2016
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Hisaya Sawano,2016
Flood Disaster Risk Reduction, Asia Water Cycle Symposium 2016,Takeda Hall, University of Tokyo,1-2 March 2016
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Kotera, A., Nagano, T., Hanittinan, P., Koontanakulvong, S.
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Nagano, T., Ono, Y., Kotera, A., Singh, R.
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Nohara, D., Y. Nishioka, T. Hori, Y. Sato
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Touge, Y., K. Tanaka, T. Khujanazarov, K. Toderich, O. Kozan and E. Nakakita
Developing a Water Circulation Model in the Aral Sea Basin based on in situ Measurements on Irrigated Farms, Journal of Arid Land Studies, 25(3), 133-136, 2015.
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Ibrikci, H.,Cetin, M., Berberoglu, S., Sagir, H., Karnez, E., Nagano, T., Fink, M., Kubota, J., Goehmann, H.
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Khujanazarov, T., K. Tanaka, Y. Touge, K. Toderich, S. Tanaka
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Kotera, A., Nagano, T., Berberoğlu, S., Cullu, M.
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Nagano, T., M. Çetin, K. Hoshikawa, O. Satır, S. Berberoğlu, A. Kotera, E. Akça
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Tanaka, K., T. Asano, Y. Kobayashi, S. Tanaka
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Tanaka, K., Y. Matsui, S. Tanaka, T. Hamaguchi
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Touge, Y., K. Tanaka, T. Khujanazarov, E. Nakakita
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Modeling complex flow dynamics of fluvial floods exacerbated by sea level rise in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta. Environmental Research Letters, 10, 124011.
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Generalized method to estimate value of urban assets for natural disaster risk assessment at the macro scale. Hydrological Research Letters, 9(4), 103-106.
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Water Resources, Floods and Agro-Environment in Monsoon Asia: description and future applications of the DWCM-AgWU model, "The Challenges of Agro-Environmental Research in Monsoon Asia". NIAES Series No.6, National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences, 203-224.
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気候変動と稲作所得、地域経済 ― 動学地域応用一般均衡モデルによるシミュレー ション ― 、JIRCAS叢書、第6章
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Estimation of Climate Change Impacts on Flooding in Low-lying Paddy Areas in Japan. USCID 8th International conference; Sustainable Basin Water Management - Challenges of Supply and Demand Management at the Basin Scale, 79-94.
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CAN DSGE MODEL TRACE BACK IMPACTS OF EAST JAPAN BIG EARTHQUAKE ON COASTAL AREA IN IWATE PREFECTURE? The 14th International Conference of the Japan Economic Policy Association(国際経済政策学会), Toyo University, Tokyo, 11月.
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Lead author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a coordinating lead author for the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)
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Sato, H., T. Kumagai, A. Takahashi, and G. G. Katul, 2015
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Spatial and temporal variations in photosynthetic capacity of a temperate deciduous-evergreen forest. Trees -Structure and Function.
Hikosaka, K., Kumagai, T. and Ito, A.,2016.
Modeling canopy photosynthesis. (In: Canopy Photosynthesis: From Basics to Applications. Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration, Eds. Hikosaka, K., Anten, N. and Niinemets, U., Springer-Verlag, Dordrecht, Germany).
Kumagai, T., 2016
Observation and modelling of net ecosystem carbon exchange over canopy. (In: Canopy Photosynthesis: From Basics to Applications. Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration, Eds. Hikosaka, K., Anten, N. and Niinemets, U., Springer-Verlag, Dordrecht, Germany).
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熊谷直喜・山野博哉・J. Garcia-Molinos・高尾信太郎・藤井賢彦・山中康裕
Takao, S., M. Fujii,
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Takao, S., M. Fujii,
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北海道・忍路湾におけるpHの日周変動 ― 海洋酸性化が沿岸生態系に及ぼす影響評価・予測に必要なデータ取得 ―、日本地球惑星科学連合2015年大会、千葉、2015年5月24–28日
生物多様性情報学の時代6 分布の変化を明らかにする、グリーン・パワー、10.28.
モニタリングが明らかにするサンゴ礁の現在と未来、遺伝、70、28-33. 講演2件