
List of Argo Products by PARC members

InstitutionProduct NameURLData sourceVertical resolutionTemporal coverageTemporal resolutionUpdate frequency
CSIO, MNRBOA-Argo: Global gridded 1 degree NetCDF or Matlab dataset produced by the Barnes Method
Includes temperature, salinity, isothermal layer depth, mixed layer depth and composed mixed layer depth
LinkArgo only58 levels to 1975 dbarSince
CSIOCSIO Argo trajectory data set: This Argo trajectory data set provides the QC’d satellite fixes and underwater velocities for all floats and annual mean mid-depth velocity field at 1000m is also calculated.FTP Link
data access via ftp
Argo only
IAPIAP data set: The IAP data set is a global ocean 1 degree gridded data set developed by Lijing Cheng from IAP.Link
data access via http, ftp, cloud disk, and html
Argo plus others41 levels to 2000 mSince Jan 1940monthlymonthly
IPRCGlobal gridded 1 degree ASCII and NetCDF dataset produced by variational interpolation from Argo only profiles
(Aviso altimetry for Absolute Dynamic Topography fields was used)
Document Link
Data Link
Argo plus Aviso altimetry27 levels to 2000 mSince
JAMSTECMOAA GPV: Global gridded 1 degree NetCDF dataset produced by optimal interpolation from all available data including Argo. LinkArgo plus others25 levels to 2000 dbarSince
monthlyNear Real Time: monthly
Delayed Mode: yearly
JAMSTECMILA GPV: Global gridded 1 degree netCDF of Mixed Layer Depth with its related parametersLinkArgo only-Since
10-day and monthly averages and monthly climatologyNear Real Time: monthly
Delayed Mode: yearly
Shanghai Ocean UniversityGDCSM_Argo: Global gridded 1 degree NetCDF and Matlab Argo only dataset based on Gradient-Dependent Optimal InterpolationDocument Link
Data Link
Argo only58 levels to 1975 dbars2004-2021monthlysemiannually
Department of Physical Oceanography, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of TokyoNorth Pacific Mixed Layer MapLinkArgo only-Since