Hinepuia volcano-the god of geothermal activity is alive and well


Cornel de Ronde(GNS)

とうとう最後の潜航となりました。潜航者はウエリントンにあるGNS(ニュージーランドの地質調査機関)のDr. Cornel E.J. de Rondeさんです。

Hinepuia is Maori for guardian god of geothermal activity. After today’s dive on the volcano, SHINKAI 6500 pilot Iijima-san, co-pilot Katagiri-san and myself can attest that she is as active as ever! What an incredible dive we had, to a place that is not that far to get to, but felt like was on a different planet such were the scenes that awaited us. Indeed, we set a record for depth in our dive with the SHINKAI 6500, a record shallow depth with the summit of the volcano at 304 m! The whole dive only covered a depth range of 192 m from the landing point at 496 m to the summit. But as is common with submarine volcanoes and associated hydrothermal activity, big things can occur over small depth intervals.

The dive began with us landing, finding our bearings, then sampling animals, rocks and sediments nearby, before heading upslope to where we hoped the vent field would be. Back in 2004, during the NZAPLUME III cruise, we had surveyed Hinepuia volcano with a CTDO (conductivity-temperature-depth-optical) package towed behind the ship, winching it up and down in a saw-tooth pattern, looking for the 'smoke' that invariably occurs with venting of hot water on the seafloor. Here, the hydrothermal fluid mixes with seawater resulting in the previously dissolved metals precipitating out as tiny particulates, and thus producing great billowing plumes of smoke. Hence the name 'black smokers'. Results from the CTDO survey of Hinepuia showed there was intense hydrothermal activity occurring atop a cone inside a larger caldera. And it all occurred between ~400 and 300 m with the strongest plumes around 350 m. We also knew that plumes don’t rise very much in shallow water, so our plan was to search the cone on its southern side along the 400 m contour. Easier said than done with the very limited visibility from the submersible. But we had a plan.

We acended up the flank of the cone to the summit, noting an abundance of coral with distinct yellow polyps on the way. We saw large shoals of fish, several large sharks and one large octopus. But no sign of hydrothermal activity, much to my surprise. So, we went back to the plan and descended to 400 m and started driving westwards along the 400 m contour. First, we saw numerous chutes of debris cascading down the slopes adjacent to outcrops of massive, locally blocky and sometimes flow banded lava. Then, we saw a few shells of dead clams and mussels. Always a good sign in the hunt for hydrothermal activity, as these animals invariably live near the vents. Next, we came across several large piles of dead shellfish, with trails of shells heading back up the slope. This was the sign we were looking for. SHINKAI 6500 followed the trail and bingo, at the top of the slope (337 m) was a ridge which was completely covered in a fine white dust, almost certainly sulfur. Numerous small holes pockmarked the surface of the sediment with bubbles streaming from them. Carbon dioxide. Then, once our eyes focused, we realized that the entire surface was completely covered by small flatfish. I had seen this once before, at Dikoku volcano of the Mariana arc, and to a lesser degree Giggenbach volcano of the southern Kermadec arc. But here we were on Hinepuia volcano, 500 km further north. They sure get around.

But there was more to come. Much more. We surveyed the area and noted that nearby outcropping rocks were completely covered by squat, black mussels that I have also seen at Giggenbach and Macauley volcanoes, similarly rich in sulfur and which also occur at shallow sites. After another round of sampling animals, measuring temperatures and so on, it was time to try and find the source of what had to be vigorous hydrothermal venting. But we were close, as a waft of smoke just drifted across our path. We followed the trial of smoke and went over the ridge and slowly descending down the other side. What greeted us was familiar, yet unexpected. We found our source, as huge thick clouds of smoke rose from the seafloor below us, but they were not black. They were white, and closer to the seafloor they were yellow! Sulfur-rich plumes, just like those at the presently erupting NW Rota-1 volcano of the Mariana arc. Were we descending on to an erupting vent? Not a good place to be in a submarine. Down we went, meter by meter until we were at the bottom, with the depth reading 372 m. They were right were they should be. We called it the "Iou" (Japanese for "sulfur") vent field.

Here was a world very different to that we normally equate to shallow seamounts. It is harsh with thick layers of sulfur, choking plumes of sulfur-rich smoke and the entire area dusted by sulfur particles. The rocks showed tell tale signs of having been etched by acid fluids. But this is an increasingly familiar sight on hydrothermally active volcanoes along arcs, especially those recently (or still) volcanically active. Time was ticking by, but now we had a problem. The currents were quite strong at these shallow depths, and we were continually being enveloped by thick plumes, with visibility down to zero. We caught a break with the plumes lifting for a few minutes, and managed to sample the vent fluids as they spewed white, yellow and some slightly blackish plumes from the same area. Just to prove how active volcano this volcano was, liquid sulfur suddenly started squirted out from some of the highly altered rocks nearby, forming spaghetti-like ribbons on the rock face. No doubt reservoirs of liquid sulfur were just below where the sub was sitting.

It was time to go. It had been an exhilarating experience, full of surprise, wonder, amazement and respect for this planet of ours, with Hinepuia still actively keeping watch on these brooding volcanoes and all their activity. But it was hard work, with the temperature inside the sub up to 30°C when normally much cooler (as we were working in such shallow depths) and the pressure was on to find the vents on our last dive of the expedition. We returned exhausted, but happy. How often to you get to so close to Hinepuia?



潜航はまず着底をし、そして方位を確認しました。それから、熱水噴出域があると期待している斜面に向かう途中で、動物、岩石及び堆積物を採取しました。2004年の「NZAPLUME III」航海で、我々はHinepuia火山について、海底で熱水が常に噴出している"スモーク"を見つけるため、CTDO(伝導度・温度・深度・光)の計測機船から曳航し、鋸の歯のようなジグザグ状のパターンで上げ下げして計測する調査を実施しました。



さらに面白いことがわかりました。我々は、その一帯を調べ、近くの露岩が完全に、黒いシンカイヒバリガイと黄色の硫黄で覆われていたのです。シンカイヒバリガイ類は,同じように硫化水素に富み,しかも浅い場所に位置する GiggenbachやMacauley火山の熱水噴出域でも見られます。さらに動物採取、温度計測などを行ったあと、活発な熱水活動の源を見つけることに挑戦です。我々の行先を煙がおおっていることから、我々は、煙を追って尾根を超え、ゆっくりと反対側に下りていきました。待っていたのは、これまでなじみのあるものですが、一方で予想外のものでした。

我々の下方から大きな煙の濃い雲が立ち上っています。そして,その煙のもとを見つけました。しかし、その煙は黒くはありませんでした。白かったのです。そして海底にいくにしたがい黄色くなるのでした! イオウをふんだんに含むプルームです。現在噴火しているマリアナ島弧のNW Rota-1 火山のものにそっくりでした。熱水を吹き上げている噴出域に向かって降下したと思いますか?潜航艇の中にとどまるには厳しい場所です。我々は、1mごとにゆっくりと下りて深度372mの海底に到達しました。あるべきところにそれ、つまり噴出孔はあったのです。"我々はそこをIOU"(日本語のイオウ)ベントと名づけました。




写真1 見つかったシンカイヒバリガイ類

写真2 IOU(イオウ)と名付けられたフィールド(噴出域)の典型的な噴出孔

写真3 岩石の表面を流れるイオウ流体

写真4 ヴァレリーさん(GNSでコーネルさんの研究チームに所属)と潜航直前に談笑するコーネルさん(うしろの掲示はヘルメット着用のサイン (Hard Hat Area))