
2016年度 2015年度 2014年度 2013年度 2012年度
( i ) 多様なシナリオを踏まえた長期的な地球環境変動の予測
Andrew, J. C-P., M. P. Baldwin, T. Birner, R. X. Black, A. M. Butler, N. Calvo, N. A. Davis, E. P. Gerber,
  N. Gillet, S. Hardiman, J. Kim, K. Krüger, Y-Y. Lee, E. Manzini, B. A. McDaniel, L. Polvani, T. Reichler,
  T. A. Shaw, M. Sigmond, S-W. Son, M. Toohey, L Wilcox, S. Yoden, B. Christiansen, F. Lott, D. Shindell,
  S. Yukimoto, and S. Watanabe (2013)
On the lack of stratospheric dynamical variability in low-top versions of the CMIP5 models, J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1002/jgrd.50125.
Gerber, E., A. Butler, N. Calvo, A. Charlton-Perez, M. Giorgetta, E. Manzini, J. Perlwitz, L. M. Polvani,
  F. Sassi, A. Scaife, T. A. Shaw, S.-W. Son, and S. Watanabe (2012)
Assesing and understanding the impact of stratospheric dynamics and variability on the Earth system, Bull. American. Met. Soc., 93, 845-859, doi:10.1175/BMAS-D-11-00145.1.
Ito, A. (2013)
Global modeling study of potentially bioavailable iron input from shipboard aerosol sources to the ocean, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 27, 1–10, doi: 10.1029/2012GB004378.
Kim, H.-J., B. Wang, S. Watanabe, A. Noda, M. Watanabe, and M. Kawamiya (2012)
Robust signal of the simulated Northern Hemisphere summer monsoon variability during the recent warming period, in preparation.
Sato, K., S. Tateno, S. Watanabe, and Y. Kawatani (2012)
Gravity wave characteristics in the Southern Hemisphere revealed by a high-resolution middle-atmosphere general circulation model, J. Atmos. Sci., 69, 1378-1396, doi:10.1175/JAS-D-11-0101.1
Tomikawa, Y., K. Sato, S. Watanabe, Y. Kawatani, K. Miyazaki, and M. Takahashi (2012)
Growth of planetary waves and the formation of an elevated stratopause after a major stratospheric sudden warming in a T213L256 GCM, J. Geophys. Res., 117, DOI: 10.1029/2011JD017243.
Wang, B., J. Liu, H.-J. Kim, P. J. Webster, S.-Y. Yim, and B. Xiang (2013)
Northern Hemisphere summer monsoon intensified by Mega-ENSO and AMO, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., revised.
Watanabe, S., and Y. Kawatani (2012)
Sensitivity of the QBO to mean tropical upwelling under a changing climate simulated by an Earth system model, J. Metorol. Soc. Jpn., 90A, 351-360, doi:10.2151/jmsj.2012-A20.
Watanabe, S., and T. Yokohata (2012)
Future Increase of All-sky UV-B over Asia Projected by an Earth System Model., J. Metorol. Soc. Jpn., 90A, 297–306, doi:10.2151/jmsj.2012-A15.
Watanabe, S., T. Takemura, K. Sudo, T. Yokohata, and H. Kawase (2012)
Anthropogenic changes in the surface all-sky UV-B radiation through 1850–2005 simulated by an Earth system model, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 5249-5257, doi:10.5194/acp-12-5249-2012.
Ito, A.
Supply of Soluble Iron from Anthropogenic Sources to the Ocean, IGAC 12th International Conference, September 2012, China.
Ito, A.
Supply of Soluble Iron from Anthropogenic Sources to the Ocean, IGAC 12th International Conference, September 2012, China.
Ito, A., J. F. Kok, Y. Feng, and J. E. Penner
Effect of Estimation of Dust Size Distribution at Emission on Iron Deposition, SOLAS OSC 2012, May 2012, Cle Elum, USA.
Ito, A., J. F. Kok, Y. Feng, and J. E. Penner
Underlying uncertainty in future projection of iron deposition to the ocean, AOGS-AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly, August 2012, Singapore.
エアロゾルの人為的発生源から海洋へ供給される可溶性鉄に関するモデル解析、第53 回大気環境学会年会、2012 年9 月、横浜.
船舶発生源から海洋へ供給される可溶性鉄に関する全球エアロゾルモデル解析、第18 回大気化学討論会、2012年11月、福岡.
伊藤彰記、 Kok Jasper F.、 Feng Yan、 Penner Joyce E.
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2012: MIROC,ESM 開発について,地球流体データ解析・数値計算ワークショップ,名古屋,2012年12月
2012: 高分解能気候モデル(JAGUAR)の開発と、観測データを用いた検証について,2012 年度南極昭和基地大型大気レーダー計画(PANSY)研究集会,立川,2012年12月
Weaver, A. J., J. Sedáček, M. Eby, K. Alexander, E. Crespin, T. Fichefet, G. Philippon-Berthier, F. Joos,
  K. Kawamiya, K. Matsumoto, M. Steinacher, K. Tachiiri, K. Tokos, M. Yoshimori and K. Zickfeld (2012)
Stability of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation: a modelintercomparison, Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L20709, doi: 10.1029/2012GL053763.
Zickfeld, K., M. Eby, K. Alexander, A. J. Weaver, E. Crespin, T. Fichefet, H. Goosse, G. Philippon-Berthier,
  N. R. Edwards, P. B. Holden, A. V. Eliseev, I. I. Mokhov, G. Feulner, H. Kienert, M. Perrette,
  T. Schneider von Deimling, C. E. Forest, P. Friedlingstein, F. Joos, R. Spahni, M. Steinacher, M. Kawamiya,
  K. Tachiiri, D. Kicklighter, E. Monier, A. Schlosser, A. P. Sokolov, K. Matsumoto, K. Tokos, S. M. Olsen,
  J. O. P. Pedersen, A. Ridgwell, G. Shaffer, M. Yoshimori, N. Zeng and F. Zhao (accepted)
Long-term Climate Change Commitment and Reversibility: An EMIC Intercomparison. J. Climate.
立入 郁 (2012)
温室効果ガス影響評価の動向: IPCC 第四次報告書と最新の温暖化予測プロジェクトからのメッセージ, 特集: 温暖化ガス問題と高効率発電技術の動向, 電気評論, 578, 12-18.
[ポスター] Tachiiri, K., J. C. Hargreaves, J. D. Annan, C. Huntingford, T. Hajima and M. Kawamiya (2012)
Uncertainty in land carbon storage for the RCP 4.5 scenario, the 3rd International Conference on Earth System Modelling, 3ICESM-184, Sep. 17-21, Hamburg.
[ポスター] Tachiiri, K., J. C. Hargreaves, J. D. Annan, C. Huntingford and M. Kawamiya (2012)
Temperature rise and allowable carbon emissions for the RCP2.6 Scenario, the 2012 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 3-7, San Francisco.
筒井 純一, 2013
地球温暖化緩和策に関する気候科学の概要. J. Jpn. Inst. Energy, 92(3),
ENSO 振幅のCO2濃度変化に対する不可逆性評価とパラメータ化. 日本海洋学会2013 年度春季大会. 東京, 2013 年3月
( ii ) 大規模な気候変動・改変に関する科学的知見の創出
Saito, K., T. Zhang, D. Yang, S. Marchenko, R. G. Barry, V. Romanovsky, and L. Hinzman (2013)
Influence of the Physical Terrestrial Arctic in the Eco-climate System, Ecological Applications, accepted.