Ronnie N. Glud(University of Southern Denmark)
(今回は昨日紹介しました「ランダー」を使用して研究しているデンマークのRonnie N. Glud教授に、今回の調査について書いていただきました。海溝にいるバクテリアの重要性について書かれています。少し難しいかもしれませんが、ぜひお読みください!英語の勉強にもなります。なお、ページ下の方には日本語訳を付記しましたので、「英語苦手だよ〜」という方はそちらをご覧ください。)
Background and research idea
In surface waters, photosynthetic active algae produce O2 and fix CO2 into organic material. This organic material form the basis for the foodwebs of the oceans and most is turned over in the upper zone of the Ocean. However, ultimately a fraction of the organic material reaches the sea-bed, where it serves as a food source for the organisms living here. In coastal waters about 50% of the material reaches the sea-bed, while the fraction in deeper waters is much less. The material can settle as algae aggregates, fecal pellets or carcasses. Most of the material is turned over by bacteria that consume O2 and release CO2. But a fraction of the material is never turned over and stored in the seabed in different forms (fossil fuel is one such form). On geological time-scales the balance between organic material turned over by bacteria versus the amount stored in the sea-bed ultimately determines the O2 and CO2 levels of the oceans and the atmosphere. In short, the efficiency by which bacteria consume organic material in the seabed is the single most important process regulating O2 level on Earth and thereby the conditions for redox chemistry and life on the planet. Therefore we are very interested in understanding how efficient bacteria degrade organic material in the sea-bed.
While many have studied conditions in coastal and shelf waters, fewer have been done so in the deep sea and only a handful have been carried out in deep trenches. We believe that trenches represent areas of intensified deposition of organic material and that they may represent hot-spots of retention and turn-over of organic material mediated by bacteria specially adapted to operate at the harsh conditions of the trenches - most notably the extreme hydrostatic pressure.
Research strategy and methods
Sediment recovered from great depth undergoes changes in hydrostatic pressure and temperature and this affect the chemistry and microbial activity of the samples. Reliable measurements of the metabolic activity of bacteria therefore have to be realized directly at the seabed. Therefore we have constructed specialized instruments "landers", which autonomously can go down to the sea-bed and measure the microscale O2 distribution in surface sediments. From such data we can calculate the metabolic activity of bacteria in the sediment (i.e how much organic material are they consuming). The measurements are conducted by 8 small microelectrodes that are fixed to a cylinder that insert the sensors into the sediment in very small steps- after measuring one set of profiles the sensors are retracted, and the cylinder is moved 8-10 cm horizontally and a new set of profiles can be measured. At the end of the deployment, 200 kg of ballast is released and the lander slowly ascends to the surface where it is taken onboard the ship. Here we the download the data and begin the calculations.
These in situ measurements are complemented by measurements in sediment recovered by other instrumentation. Here we measure chemical and physical characteristics of the sediment (for instance how much organic material the sediment contain). From natural radionuclide we also quantify how old the sediment is and how much material that is reaching the bottom of the trench. Furthermore, we also quantify the number of bacteria and virus in the sediment and try to identify the most important bacteria.
We will quantify the amount of organic material reaching the trench environment and how much of this that is turned-over by bacteria. Ultimately we would like to get an understanding of how important trenches are for the carbon budget in the deep-sea (and globally). Additionally we will try to characterize the bacteria responsible for this activity - Who are they? How similar are they to bacteria in more well-studied areas? And do they differ in different trenches?