QUELLE2013 特別企画
「しんかい6500」が女性研究者に聞く! 海の魅力とは?!


木本 徹(海洋研究開発機構 研究支援部)



「カリーンさん! 私(「しんかい6500」)の印象はいかがですか?」

I have been looking forward to meeting you for a long time. And I am very impressed with your size, beauty and power.
会えるのをとても楽しみにしていたのよ! あなた、とっても大きくて、綺麗で、力強いわ!!

Kareen: I am the Collection Manager of the NIWA Invertebrate Collection in Wellington, New Zealand. This collection represents a biological library of the marine biodiversity of the New Zealand and the Ross Sea (Antarctica) ocean. All of the marine invertebrates are my favourites but I currently work on describing the deep-sea crabs called squat lobsters (Chirostylidae). Even in my spare time I like to be around the ocean, surfing, SCUBA diving and I love mountain biking.

「ヴァレリィさん! 私はあなた方の研究のお役にたちたいのでけれど?」

Thank you, Shinkai 6500, for offering to help! It would be helpful if you could trigger the titanium sample bottles and collect the fluid exiting the hydrothermal vent. Then we can learn more about the chemistry of the vents.
ありがとう! チタン製のサンプル容器に熱水噴出孔から出る海水を取ってきてくれたら、とっても助かるわ。そうすれば噴出孔の化学についてもっと知ることができるのよ!

Valerie: I am an analytical chemist at GNS Science in Wellington, New Zealand. I grew up in Massachusetts and New Hampshire in the US, and I moved to New Zealand following my PhD work in Colorado, USA. My current research focuses on water chemistry of deep sea hydrothermal vents. These vents are sources of many metals, such as copper, zinc, gold, iron and manganese. We can understand the processes occurring at depth by examining the composition of the fluid coming out of the vents. I think tube worms are very cool! When I am not doing science, I enjoy hiking, running and kayaking. I like to travel and see new places. My favorite sports are ice hockey and gymnastics.


You can be my friend by taking lots of video footage and samples of the deep-sea animals, so I can answer my research question. I hope to see you again soon and that we can be friends for a very long time.

Rachel: I am a PhD student investigating how mining at hydrothermal vents will affect the deep-sea animals living there. My favorites deep-sea animal is Gigantidas gladius, a deep-sea mussel only found at New Zealand hydrothermal vents. It is special because it uses bacteria to get energy from the chemicals released by the vents. My hobbies include Scuba diving and underwater photography.


Kareen, Valerie, Rachel: Hello future marine scientists. Studying the deep sea is very exciting, as we know so little about it and have a lot left to discover. The deep sea environment and the animals that live in it are so different to what we are used to, it is like a world of aliens that is cold, without light and under immense pressure. Our advice to you is to stay curious, ask questions, pay attention, take notes, get involved and don't give up. Learn as much as you can and do what you enjoy! Good luck!
深海の研究は、まだまだわからないことが多く、発見もたくさんあり、とてもエキサイティングです。深海の環境と動物は私たちが普段見慣れているものと全く異なり、冷たく、光のない、とてつもない圧力のエイリアンの世界です。どうか、好奇心をもって、質問をどんどんしてください。よく聞いて、しっかりメモをとって、熱中すること。そしてあきらめないこと。たくさん学んで、楽しくやりましょう! グッドラック!!