Theme D:Precise impact assessments on climate change

Represenrative:Eiichi Nakakita
Vice Director/Professor, DPRI,
Kyoto University

To generate information that contributes to climate change risk management, it is important to perform a more detailed assessment of the impact, together with specifying the risks and understanding the probabilities. In this research theme, we are performing a quantitative impact assessment from a variety of perspectives including natural hazards, water resources, and ecosystems and biodiversity, using climate change prediction information as well as prediction information produced in this program. We are also performing a variation estimate of the expected risk value, an estimate of the uncertainty of that estimate, and an impact assessment on the worst-case scenario of a natural hazard. Next, using these figures, we perform a variation estimate of the socio-economic risk and aim to compile the basic information for adaptation strategies. With regard to natural hazards, in conjunction with proposing various basic approaches to the adaptation strategies, we aim to study assessment methods for comprehensive disaster mitigation measures that can alleviate a disaster to some degree when external forces occur that exceed the existing facilities plan, as part of the worst-case scenario. We also aim to construct a methodology for the economic assessment.

 Research subject
Research Subject Sub-Research Subject Institutes & Representatives
Climate change impacts on natural hazards a Risk assessment of meteorological disasters under climate change DPRI, Kyoto Univ. Associate Professor Tetusya TakemiAssociate Professor
Tetusya Takemi
b Risk assessment of water-related disasters under climate change Kyoto Univ. Professor Yasuto TachikawaProfessor
Yasuto Tachikawa
c Risk assessment of coastal disasters under climate change DPRI, Kyoto Univ. Associate Professor Nobuhito MoriAssociate Professor
Nobuhito Mori
d Measuring socio-economic impacts of climate change and effectiveness of
adaptation strategies
DPRI, Kyoto Univ. Professor Hirokazu TatanoProfessor
Hirokazu Tatano
e Development of risk assessment and adaptation strategies for water-related disaster
in Asia
ICHARM Deputy Director Katsuhito MiyakeDeputy Director
Katsuhito Miyake
Climate change impacts on water resources a Assessment of socio-economic impacts on water resources and their uncertainties
under changing climate
DPRI, Kyoto Univ. Assistant Professor Kenji TanakaAssociate Professor
Kenji Tanaka
b Assessment of climate change impacts on the social-ecological systems of water
resources and hydrological cycles
IIS Professor Taikan Oki
Taikan Oki
Climate change impacts on ecosystem and biodiversity a Assessment of climatic impacts on ecosystem and biodiversity Graduate School of Life Science, Tohoku Univ. Professor Toru NakashizukaProfessor
Toru Nakashizuka
b Economic evaluation of ecosystem science Graduate School of Life Science, Tohoku Univ. Professor Toru NakashizukaProfessor
Toru Nakashizuka
c Eco-climate system in Northeastern Eurasia and Southeastern Asian tropics: Impacts of global climate change ISEE Associate Professor Tomo'omi KumagaiAssociate Professor
Tomo’omi Kumagai
d Assessment of multiple effects of climate change on coastal marine ecosystem Hokkaido Univ. Graduate School of Environmental Science Professor Yasuhiko YamanakaProfessor
Yasuhiko Yamanaka