JAMSTEC > Research Institute for Value-Added-Information Generation (VAiG) > Global Oceanographic DAta Center (GODAC) > Administration Section

Global Oceanographic DAta Center (GODAC)

Administration Section

Collaboration with Regional Organizations in Okinawa Prefecture

We are building a solid foundation to contribute to the further development of the Research Institute for Value-Added-Information Generation (VAiG) by collaborating with various institutions in the Okinawa region and by cooperating with local municipalities and others to implement events and programs.

Returning the Benefits of Our Research and Development to Society, and Improving Understanding of Marine Science and Technology

Through collaborations with various institutions in the Okinawa region, we are promoting efforts to disseminate our research and development results and conduct outreach to secure future human resources (i.e., the training of future stakeholders).

Operating the GODAC Branch Office in Okinawa

In our Public Use Zone (the visitor’s facilities), we provide tours to student groups from all over the country, host open houses for the public, and hold various other events throughout the year. The Administration Section maintains GODAC facilities and assists in the promotion of J-OBIS activities.
How to Use GODAC Facilities