JAMSTEC > Research Institute for Value-Added-Information Generation (VAiG)

Research Institute for Value-Added-Information Generation (VAiG)

Probing unknown causal relationships hidden in Earth systems

To identify interrelationships between changes in Earth systems and human activity, we will develop methodologies for integrating the vast amounts of data generated by JAMSTEC R&D activities, and mathematical analysis methods for efficiently processing the resulting integrated data. We will also support the resolution of policy issues and development of sustainable socioeconomic systems by generating and disseminating information tailored to various needs. We will additionally endeavor to expand this initiative to encompass other relevant organizations both in Japan and overseas so as to build a framework for generating even more advanced and useful information.

Web Service Launch for Quantifying Marine Litter Pollution
Recruitment of a Senior Engineer(II), Engineer, or Engineer(II) (DAKE25-001)
Northern shifts in the migration of Japanese glass eels to subarctic Hokkaido Island over the past three decade
Role of anthropogenic forcing in Antarctic sea ice variability revealed
JAMSTEC experts participated in the G7 Future of the Seas and Ocean Initiative (FSOI) Working Group meeting in Rome
Japanese Eel Spawning Migration —Revealing Optimal Strategies to Minimize Time and Energy During Migration—
Dr. Swadhin K. Behera, Principal Researcher was elected as an American Geophysical Union’s (AGU) Fellow
In hot water : the reasons for northern Japan’s brutal heat in summer 2023 [Link to The University of Tokyo]
Introduction of the ‘Yamagata Young Climate Scientist Award’ at the Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology
A cooperation agreement with the Institute for Climate and Application Research of the Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology
ICAR-APL Workshop on “Climate Variations, Prediction and Data-driven Applications”
JAMSTEC experts attended International Conferences of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) Sub-commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC)
A co-occurrence of a La Nina Modoki and a negative Indian Ocean Dipole Mode may bring an abnormal season
APL Director Dr. Swadhin K. Behera Selected for VAIBHAV Fellowship by Government of India
Unusually low oxygen and acidified water found in a high seas fishable area of the Pacific Arctic Ocean – A priority area of marine environmental and ecosystem monitoring for potential high seas fisheries –
Detecting "Fluctuations" in Ensemble Spaces Preceding Stratospheric Sudden Warmings
The paper "Harnessing Al and computing to advance climate modelling and prediction" was published in Nature Climate Change.
[Column] A co-occurrence of an El Nino and a positive Indian Ocean Dipole Mode may bring abnormal season
The worldwide COVID-19 lockdown impacts on anthropogenic aerosol reductions and climate―Realistic assessments on changes in aerosol precursor gas emissions based on satellite observations―
A theoretical model of continental drift reveals that the longest timescale of sea level change in Earth's history can be explained by the flattening effect of the seafloor ―Toward an understanding of the relationship between Earth's internal dynamics and surface environmental change―
Size Dependence of the Bouncing Barrier in Protoplanetary Dust Growth
Visit from Padjadjaran University, Indonesia
[Column] A combination of an El Nino and a positive Indian Ocean Dipole Mode may occur in May
Mechanism of a meteorological tsunami reaching the Japanese coast caused by Lamb and Pekeris waves generated by the 2022 Tonga eruption
Nature published a research highlight about a recent work on East Africa’s drought.
On the predictability of the extreme drought in East Africa during the short rains season ~Key roles of the negative Indian Ocean Dipole~
Annual Report of the Earth Simulator, April 2021 - March 2022" page is open
Improved prediction of decadal sea ice variability in the west Antarctic Seas ―Key roles of ocean and sea ice observation data―
Understanding the reasons for the extraordinary equatorial Atlantic warming in late 2019
Development of a new AI-based method for high-accuracy estimation of the coverage area of drifting debris from coastal photographs
World-First Success in Nearly Perfect Reproduction of the Fracture Process of Chemically Strengthened Glass Using a New Numerical Analysis Method — Application in Predicting Earthquake Fault Behavior
Team of JAMSTEC researchers won championship in international data science competition WAI DATATHON 2021
Frequent Marine Heatwave off the Coast of Hokkaido and Tohoku: The Relationship between Marine Heatwave and Yellowtail Catch
Research Institute for Value-Added-Information Generation (VAiG) website has been launched.

Muneo Hori
Director-General, Research Institute for Value-Added-Information Generation (VAiG)