Technology development for ocean resources exploration
1.Technologies for operating multiple AUVs
In this research project, a technology for simultaneous operation of multiple AUVs will be developed to survey the vast sea area more efficiently in a shorter time. For use of AUVs on a general survey ship, four small navigation-type AUVs and a small hovering-type AUV will also be developed. The capacity of these AUVs will be limited to the functions necessary for seabed resources exploration to improve their maneuverability. We have successfully performed explorations under simultaneous operation of two small navigation-type AUVs and a small hovering-type AUV controlled by marine repeaters to investigate the hydrothermal area near the Izu Oshima Island.

*AUV: Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
2.Sophistication of Acoustic Video Cameras
Unmanned research vehicles are essential for the research and development of marine mineral resources. As the particles of surface deposits on the seabed are so small that they are easily whirled up, research vehicles are required to continue to work even in such a turbid area. In order to conduct an efficient underwater survey without being affected by turbidity during operation, acoustic video cameras will be developed. We have successfully captured 3-D images at a harbor facility.

3.Physicochemical and Biological Observation Systems
The distribution of hydrothermal components under the seabed is considered one of the effective indicators to estimate potential concealed hydrothermal deposits. JAMSTEC will also develop equipment to carry out physicochemical observations under the seabed and collect hydrothermal samples in an efficient manner. We have successfully performed operational tests of PileBunker for the ROV and the 5-meter class SpearHead that is shot from the ship.