Efforts for an Implementation System and Strategical Goal
Implementation System
This subject is managed by JAMSTEC and participated in by a total of 12 entities, including research institutions, private companies, and universities, by taking advantage of their own distinctive characteristics to support Steps 1, 2, and 3. The exit strategy can be achieved even faster through the cross-ministerial, comprehensive promotion of research and development, verification tests, and field experiments based on the collaboration among government, industry, and academia. The program director (PD) creates and promotes research and development activities and also serves as chair, while the Cabinet Office acts as secretariat to provide necessary coordination for planning and implementing research and development plans at the Promotion Committee participated in by relevant ministries, the management entity, and experts. The Exploration Review Working Group established under the Promotion Committees is responsible for specific consideration and coordination of research and development activities for each step. The Intellectual Property Committee will also be established to provide coordination for acquiring protection for our findings and handling licensing matters so that our intellectual properties are appropriately managed.
Strategical Goal
Next-generation technology for ocean resources exploration

Cooperation with Related Govormental Measures
This project is of course linked to other national projects to develop ocean resources. Participation in Promoting Committee, workshops and other meetings provide opportunities to share research results and develop steps for commercialization and practical applications in cooperation with counterparts pursuing similar projects at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) / Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC). In addition, another project, the “Wide Area Ocean Resources Exploration System,” commissioned by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) is cooperated with this project.