- Date & Time:
- 24 May, Wednesday, 13:30-14:30
- Place:
- Meeting Room 1+2, 2nd floor, Conference Building, Yokohama Institute
- Speaker:
- Prof. Rhodora V. Azanza (University of the Philippines)
- Title:
- Researches and other Activities of the University of the Philippines’ Marine Science Institute (UP-MSI)
- Abstract:
- The country’s National Center for Marine Science is the University of the Philippines Marine Science Institute. It is a recognized center of excellence for the advancement, dissemination and application of knowledge in the marine science. Engaged in basic and applied research towards the advancement of tropical marine science, it also provides graduate level training and capacity building in various fields of marine science. Over 10 years strategic integrated Research Education Extension and Development Programs included: 1.) Marine biological Diversity and Tropical Ecosystem: Integrating Science and Management, 2.) Climate Change and Archipelagic Development Adaptive Management, 3.) Marine Biotechnology: Frontier Science and Advanced Applications, and 4.) Archipelagic Oceanography: Integrating Biological, Physical, Chemical and Geological Oceanography.
In the ranks of the MSI faculty are National Scientists, Academicians and Corresponding Members of the National Academy of Science and Technology, and other national and international awardees.