By assimilating available observation data into the JCOPE2M ocean nowcast/forecast system, Application Laboratory has created the reanalysis data (JCOPE2M) with horizontal high resolution of 1/12 deg. to describe the oceanic variability associated with the Kuroshio-Kuroshio Extension, the Oyashio, and the mesoscale eddies from January 1993 to present time (Miyazawa et al., 2017; 2019). JCOPE2M reanalysis data are available from the authors by request.
JCOPE2M is an updated version of the FRA-JCOPE2 reanalysis. The high-resolution sea surface temperature data were assimilated into the model by using the multi-scale three dimensional variational method. Salinity representation at the surface was improved by including river discharge, precipitation, and evaporation effects.
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