Scientific knowledge on mechanisms of Earth's climate formation and variations is essential for appropriate interpretations and uncertainty evaluation of the data of climate predictions/projections. For deeper understanding of climate variations under interactions among various spatio-temporal phenomena, we need to have comprehensive perspective on Earth's climate system composed of oceans and cryosphere their interactions with atmosphere and terrestrial surface.
The main research tool of us is a physical "climate model", a set of computational codes for simulating Earth's climate which we have developed by ourselves. Our research group are tackling to a wide range of scientific issues on, for example, long-term climate variations and associated air-sea interactions, ocean heat uptake/redistribution and resultant sea-level changes, interactions of ocean-ice cavity-ice sheet in polar regions, based on multiple approach of data analysis of climate simulation by a climate model, comparison with observations, and construction of theoretical framework. Development of advanced numerical techniques for high-performance computing and ensemble-based initialization system for climate predictions and carbon predictions are also of our interests.
By proceeding with understanding of the climate system and climate model development complementary, we are aiming to provide reliable and multifaceted climate prediction and projection data which can contribute to political decisions on adaption and mitigation of human society under the changing climate.
Through development of a climate model simulating Earth's climate system and its application for deeper understanding of the climate, we are aiming to provide reliable and multifaceted climate prediction and projection data.