Show All | Press Release | Event | Career | Other Topics
- 2024/12/25
- Public release of “NICAM Simulation Data Site”
- 2024/03/04
- The Open Ocean, Aerosols, and Every Other Breath You Take
- 2023/11/21
Project Researcher, Project Researcher (II) or Postdoctoral Researcher (AGM23-019)
- 2023/06/09
Recruitment one position as a Senior Researcher, Researcher or Researcher (II). (AKS23-006)
- 2023/01/23
Climate Model Development and Application Group, Recruitment of a Research Assistant (AKR22-034)
- 2023/01/04
Cloud-Resolving Model Development and Application Group (CRM-DAG), Recruitment of a Project Researcher(Ⅱ) (AGS22-031)
- 2022/12/27
- Mechanism of a meteorological tsunami reaching the Japanese coast
caused by Lamb and Pekeris waves generated by the 2022 Tonga eruption
- 2022/10/14
- 【COP27 Japan Pavilion Seminar】
Current status and future perspectives on greenhouse gas emission mitigation and impacts
- 2022/10/14
Earth System Model Development and Application Group, Recruitment of a Project Researcher (Ⅱ) or a Postdoctoral Researcher (AGM22-025)
- 2022/09/14
Climate Model Development and Application Group, Recruitment of a Research Assistant (AGR22-019)
- 2022/09/12
- Discovery of the “Pekeris Wave” — Special Atmospheric Wave Caused by the 2022
Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha’apai Volcanic Eruption
- 2022/09/12
Recruitment of a Postdoctoral Researcher (AGP22-018)
- 2022/07/13
Recruitment of Project Researchers (Ⅱ) or Postdoctoral Researchers (AGM22-014)
- 2022/05/09
Climate Model Development and Application Group, Recruitment of Project Research Technician (AGJ22-006)
- 2022/05/09
Earth System Model Development and Application Group, Recruitment of Project Senior Research Technician (AGJ22-005)
- 2021/08/04
Climate Model Development and Application Group, Recruitment of Postdoctoral Researcher (AKP21-008)
- 2021/04/30
Earth System Model Development and Application Group, Recruitment of Project Researcher (Ⅱ) (AGS21-006)
- 2020/10/29
[Cloud-Resolving Model Development and Application Group (CRM-DAG)] Recruitment of Postdoctoral Researcher AGP20-022
- 2020/06/25
[Cloud-Resolving Model Development and Application Group (CRM-DAG)] Recruitment of a Project Researcher (Ⅱ) AGS20-010
- 2019/12/18
- FY2020 Climate Model Development and Application Group (CliM-DAG) Recruitment of a Project Scientist or Project Technical Scientist
- 2019/09/13
- Smaller Cumulonimbus Cloud Ensembles in the Tropics Due to Global Warming: Do Clouds Exacerbate Warming?
- 2019/08/29
- Understanding Tidal control on Flow through the Seto Inland Sea
—Possible determination of eastward or westward flow—
- 2019/07/05
- FY2019 [Earth System Model Development and Application Group (ESM-DAG)] Recruitment of an Engineer
- 2018/10/26
FY2018 Department of Seamless Environmental Prediction Research Recruitment of Postdoctoral Researcher
- 2018/06/18
FY2018 [ Department of Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere-Land Processes Research (DCOP)etc.] Recruitment of Scientist or Technical Scientist
- 2018/01/24
- Integrated Research Program for Advancing Climate Models website has been launched.
- 2017/10/16
FY2018 Recruitment of Principal Scientist or Principal Technical Scientist
- 2017/09/26
FY2017 Recruitment of Project Technical Support Staff
- 2017/07/21
FY2017 Recruitment of Scientist or Technical Scientist
- 2017/05/15
FY2017 Recruitment of Postdoctoral Researcher
- 2016/12/01
FY2017 Recruitment of Postdoctoral Researcher
- 2016/10/24
FY2017 [Department of Seamless Environmental Prediction Research] Recruitment of Scientist or Technical Scientist B
- 2016/09/30
Workshop on Global Precipitation System 2016 "Diversity and Future Outlook of Weather and Climate Models" (11/28-11/29)
- 2016/07/14
FY2017 [Department of Seamless Environmental Prediction Research] Recruitment of Scientist or Technical Scientist
- 2016/07/05
FY2016 Recruitment of Postdoctoral Researcher
- 2016/06/07
FY2016 Recruitment of Project Technical Support Staff
- 2015/05/15
FY2015 [Department of Seamless Environmental Prediction Research] Recruitment of Scientist or Technical Scientist
- 2015/01/20
- Demonstrated Possibility of Predicting Typhoon Genesis Two Weeks in Advance
- First Step Toward Realization of Typhoon Projection -
- 2014/11/20
FY2015 Department of Seamless Environmental Prediction Research HPCI Strategic Program for Innovation Research Field3 Recruitment of Project Scientists/Project Technical Scientist/Postdoctoral Researchers
- 2014/11/07
FY2015 [Department of Seamless Environmental Prediction Research] Recruitment of Project Engineer
- 2014/11/07
FY2015 Recruitment of Scientist or Technical Scientist
- 2014/06/19
- Workshop on Tropical Precipitation Systems 2014
- 2014/04/01
- Department of Seamless Environmental Prediction Research website has been launched.
- 2014/04/01
- Department of Integrated Climate Change Projection Research website has been launched.