The atmosphere on the Earth is changing at a broad range of temporal and special scales under the influences of air-sea interactions and cloud-radiative forcing. These are inherently controlled by physical processes associated with clouds. We aim for deepening our knowledge about the physical processes and their roles in the severe weather events, typhoons, or climate change of global circulation and clouds. In order to achieve this objective, we are developing cloud-resolving models and applying them to investigation of the various atmospheric variability. Evaluation of the simulation results in comparison with in-situ and satellite observations are important step toward better understanding of the physical processes and the atmospheric phenomena.
We now elaborate on high-resolution climate simulation using Nonhydrostatic Icosahedral Atmospheric Model (NICAM) to contribute to Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6), and the understanding of the prediction of typhoons and severe weather at subseasonal to seasonal time ranges. Understanding and projection of the regional climate in the Asian countries, synergetic study between JAMSTEC field observation and cloud-resolving modeling are also within our scope. We deal with these research targets in tight collaboration with domestic and international research projects.