JAMSTEC > Research Institute for Marine Geodynamics (IMG)

Research Institute for Marine Geodynamics (IMG)

Elucidating the occurrence and processes of earthquakes and volcanic activities in marine areas for disaster mitigation

The Institute for Marine Geodynamics (IMG) conducts large-scale research and observation using JAMSTEC-owned research vessels and observation equipment to elucidate the occurrence of and circumstances affecting earthquakes and volcanic activities. In addition, highly accurate numerical simulations are conducted to predict the future trends of these activities. These data and information are provided to the government and related organizations to mitigate disasters.

Tackling Earthquakes and Volcanoes in the World's Oceans

The Institute for Marine Geodynamics (IMG) challenges Earthquakes and Volcanoes not only in Japan but also in the world.
We sail to the seas around Japan and around the world to conduct research and exploration to elucidate the phenomena of earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions.

Main Research Areas(JAPAN)

Kuril Trench
We investigate crustal structure, sesimic activities, and deformation processes to elucidate the megathurst earthquakesin this subduction zone.
Japan Trench
We investigate crustal structure, sesimic activities, and deformation processes to elucidate the megathurst earthquakes, such as the 2011 Tohoku earthquake.
Nankai Trough
We investigate crustal structure by extensive seismic exploration and observe crustal activities by developing monitoring system to elucidate and forecast the preparation, rupture and deformation processes of the megathrust earthquakes.
Kikai Caldera
We conduct structural exploration and collection and analysis of volcanic ejecta to investigate the conditions leading to past eruptive activities and understand the potential damage that the volcano may pose to society in the future.
Izu-Ogasawara Islands
We study the processes leading to eruptions and investigate the transition in eruptive activity by analyzing ejecta samples and conducting structural exploration.

Main Research Areas(WORLD)


Medley, P. R., CIRES, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2009
Accessed 05.08.2022

We conduct seafloor seismic observations in the Marmara Sea to study the geometry of faults that pass beneath the seafloor and the actual state of seismic activity.
We study the crust-mantle boundary by examining the largest oceanic lithosphere (ophiolites) exposure on land.
Pacific Area Network
We conduct geophysical observations to contribute to the early detection of earthquakes and to tsunami forecasting in the western Pacific region.
Ontong Java Plateau
We conduct comprehensive research on the formation and origin of the largest oceanic volcanic edifice on Earth.
We conduct research on the eruption process of submarine volcanoes using pumice and other materials ejected during volcanic eruptions.
Lord Howie Rise
We investigate the crustal structure and crustal deformation to understand the mechanism of continental breakup.
We examine the crustal structure and crustal deformation of a mega seismic zone to explore the earthquake generation processes caused by crustal deformation.
We investigate the effects of seamount subduction on earthquake generation zones.

Shigeaki Ono
Director-General, Research Institute for Marine Geodynamics (IMG)

We are committed to learn about the past, present, and future of the living Earth and explore the relationship between Earth activities and human society.