The Deep-sea Scientific Drilling Vessel CHIKYU

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Project Coordination Team (PCT)

What is the PCT

A Project Coordination Team (PCT) is created to implement each specific scientific ocean drilling proposal selected for implementation by Chikyu.

The drilling and operations team at JAMSTEC needs to fully understand the scientific research targets, and the researchers need to understand the current state and limits of technology. Additionally, there is also a cost issue, which needs to be understood when preparing a research expedition. The PCT is comprised of 5 to 8 researchers, mainly consisting of scientists from the team that created the proposal, and members of MarE3's scientific support and drilling technology staff, with the addition of other expert researchers or engineers from relevant fields as required.

The PCT meets regularly, either in-person, or virtually. The PCT considers the kind of drilling, drilling tools, budget and time limitations, to create a balanced plan to achieve the scientific targets. This plan becomes the basis of a Scientific Prospectus, the published science plan of the expedition. The Prospectus is used as a reference when announcing that call for participation in the expedition.

The PCT also advises on the selection of tools and major decision trees for making changes in plans during the expedition.
