Saki Higa
My name is Saki Higa. I’m a graduate students of Kyoto University. I have examined the relationship between dynamic and static moduli by laboratory experiments for the unconsolidated sediments off Costa Rica obtained from IODP Expedition 344 in under-graduate research. In graduate school, I continue a research on sediments in subduction zone. I’m interested in frictional velocity dependence, so I will conduct frictional experiment using sediments in Nankai Trough.

Saki Ishino
I'm a graduate school student of Nagoya University and majoring paleoceanology. My job is to reconstruct the paleoceanographic changes in the Southern Ocean using microfossils from the ODP core samples. In holiday, I work as a volunteer in the Nagoya City Science Museum to introduce researches using core samples and microfossils collected by D/V Chikyu and JOIDES Resolution.
Naoto Kimura

Elizabeth Klein
I am a ninth grade geology and environmental science educator at Falmouth Academy, an independent school in Falmouth, Massachusetts (USA). My goals are to introduce students to current research topics and state-of-the-art scientific technologies. The IODP Drilling School aboard the Chikyu provides a great opportunity for me to accomplish these goals. This hands-on experience will allow me to learn about drilling and novel scientific research including paleoclimate and plate tectonics (among a variety of other topics in marine geology) - and I am very excited to pass this knowledge on to my students! This will be my first time in Japan and I look forward to learning more about Japanese lifestyle and culture.

Frieder Klein
I am an Associate Scientist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (Massachusetts, USA). Trained as a metamorphic petrologist and aqueous geochemist I am interested in subseafloor fluid-rock reactions and their implications for chemical, physical, and biological processes. I have sailed on several research vessels and worked on a number of drill cores recovered by the D/V Glomar Challenger and the JOIDES Resolution. During the school I hope to learn more about scientific riser drilling and other unique capabilities the D/V Chikyu has to offer.

Wei-Zhi Liao
Greetings!! My name is Liao, Wei-Zhi. I earned my PhD degree in 2015 from the Department of Earth Sciences, National Central University, Taiwan. I focused on seismic interpretation, tectonic and sedimentary evolution, and gas hydrate offshore SW Taiwan in my graduating student career. Now I am a postdoc in the Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University. I am interesting in the fields of tectonics, sedimentary processes, and basin analysis. I’m honored to have the opportunity to learn things which relate to scientific drilling on D/V Chikyu and can’t wait to share what I’ve learned as part of Chikyu Summer School 2016.

Michael Nole
As a doctoral student in the Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin, my research interests focus at the intersection between marine geologic systems, energy, and climate. In particular, I am interested in how the physical properties of marine sediments impact subsurface reactive fluid transport. Currently, my work focuses on the sub-seafloor gas hydrate stability region. Through a combination of modeling and laboratory experiments, I am trying to better understand basin-scale gas migration mechanisms and develop technologies to enhance the combined carbon sequestration/natural gas production potential of CO2 injected within the hydrate stability zone. A significant portion of my work requires sediment physical properties characterization, well log interpretation, and pore fluid geochemical analysis from cores drilled during international ocean drilling expeditions, so I am excited to learn these techniques firsthand onboard the Chikyu.

Celestine Nwojiji Nwite
I am a PhD student in the school of Environmental Sciences, University of Liverpool, UK.
I am a geologist who is very passionate about the link between stratigraphy and paleoclimate dynamics. I have delivered high quality biostratigraphic projects from the inland basins of northern and southern Nigeria. I am currently working on trait changes in microfossils during the warm periods of early Eocene in the central Pacific and Atlantic Oceans with keen interest on the ocean anoxic events.

Natsumi Okutsu
Hello! I’m Natsumi Okutsu. I’m from Japan and I’m a graduate student at University of Tokyo. My major is marine geology, and my current research interest is paleoseismology using marine sediments. I like listening to music, singing, playing the cello and piano, reading comic books and watching movies(especially “STAR WARS” and “The Lord of the Rings”!) I’m very excited and looking forward to join the school! Nice to meet you :-))

Noe Ogawa
I am from Yokohama, and has been a science teacher in Yokohama and Tokyo for 12 years. I teach biology and geology, and support project study class. I’ve had interests in marine science and international ocean drilling projects. So it’s my pleasure participating in this school.

Pablo Garcia del Real
Pablo is a PhD student in geological sciences at Stanford University. My research and scientific interests focus on carbon dioxide mineral sequestration, magnesite ores in California, and continental serpentinization. My research incorporates thermodynamics, neodymium, stable (carbon, oxygen and hydrogen) and clumped isotope geochemistry, structural geology and regional tectonics. After my studies, I will join the Laboratoire de Géologie in Lyon, France, to study global methane and hydrogen fluxes from serpentinization.

Hélder Pereira
I am a Biology and Geology teacher at Escola Secundária de Loulé (Algarve, Portugal) where I have been overseeing the activities of the school's Earth and Space Sciences Club since 2005. In 2008 I participated in the program «Teachers At Sea» aboard the R/V Marion Dufresne during the cruise MD-168 AMOCINT. In 2009 I participated as an educator in the «School of Rock» aboard the D/V JOIDES Resolution during IODP Expedition 321-T. Aboard the same ship, in 2011-2012, I served as Education Officer for IODP Expedition 339. I also participated in the cruise EMEPC/PEPC/Luso/2013 aboard the NRP Alm. Gago Coutinho.
Being aboard this research vessels gave me the opportunity to experience firsthand cutting-edge science and share it with students and educators from all over the world. I am currently involved in several projects aiming the popularization and disclosure of Earth science.
In my spare time I like listening to music and hiking. I am looking forward to the Chikyu Onboard School 2016 as well as working with a great group of people.

Yasuhiro Taguchi
Hello! My new friends of Chikyu Onboard School 2016. I live in Choshi, Chiba Prefecture, East Japan. Choshi is famous for the biggest fishing port in Japan. And Choshi has natural beauty coast lines like White cliffs of Dover. I moved to Choshi from Nagasaki Prefecture, West Japan last year. I joined "School of Rock 2009" onboard "The JOIDES Resolution" from San Diego to Victoria in Canada for 2 weeks expedition. I'm very happy to participate in the school of deep sea drilling again. I am looking forward to see new friends with enthusiasm for earth science education.

Yi-Hsuan Wu
I graduated from the Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University. My research area includes the morphology of submarine canyon, coastal oceanography, and marine geoscience offshore SW Taiwan. Now I am one of the editors of OceanSays, a website sharing ocean knowledge. Through attending the Chikyu Onboard School 2016, I would love to learn more about core logging analysis and geochemical analysis. I can share the latest ocean knowledge and inspire young students after finishing the School.