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Application Laboratory

ICAR-APL Workshop on “Climate Variations, Prediction and Data-driven Applications”


On June 17-18, 2024, a joint workshop of the Institute for Climate and Application Research (ICAR) of the Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (NUIST) and the Application Laboratory, entitled ‘Climate Variations, Prediction and Data-driven Applications’ was held in the Meteorology Building of the NUIST, China. Many faculty members and students from the NUIST, including Prof. Zhaoyong Guan (former Secretary of the Party Committee of the NUIST), and Prof. Jing-jia Luo (Director of the ICAR), attended on site. Researchers from Nanjing University, Fudan University and some research institutes also attended the workshop and had a lively discussion on the latest research results. From the Application Laboratory, Toshio Yamagata (Project Principal Researcher), Yukio Masumoto (Visiting Principal Researcher), Swadhin Behera (Director), Masami Nonaka (Group Leader), and Takeshi Doi (Senior Researcher) attended on site.

Throughout the symposium, the adverse effects of climate variations on human health and ecosystems were discussed, highlighting once again the urgent need for research and development of social applications of climate prediction. In particular, during the panel discussion, leading researchers answered questions from young researchers in the audience and discussed the future direction of climate prediction, the cutting-edge scientific issues that climate scientists are focusing on, and the driving forces and bottlenecks in the development of climate prediction using data-driven analysis. Researchers from both countries mutually deepened their scientific knowledge through the active interactions. Additionally, they were engaged in active scientific discussions with students and young researchers.

It was proposed that the next symposium would be held in Japan in 2025, hosted by the Application Laboratory.