Request for Data and Samples
Data, samples and deep-sea video and photo obtained during Research Cruises are publicly distributed via online data sites. Please check for detailed conditions for usage described at individual data sites.
[E-mail for Request and Inquiry]
Browse/search data and samples
- GODAC data sites
- JAMSTEC open to the public of online data sites, including "J-EDI (deep sea video/photo database)", "Document Catalog", "Cruise Report and DATA BOOK", and so on.
Request for observation data
- Application for request of observation data
- Both online (downloadble) and offline (undownloadable) data may be listed in the data sites. If you want to use offline data, you will submit a request to have an in-person data service.
Request for samples
- Application for request of rock samples
- Rock samples are stored by individual researchers. The sections in charge of managing each sample at JAMSTEC will handle the request for use.
- Application for request of core samples
- Piston/drilled core samples are archived at the Reefer Storages located at Kochi Core Center. JAMSTEC Core Sample Curator will respond to requests for core samples.
Note: IODP core samples are managed independently from JAMSTEC core samples. Please visit the IODP website for requesting IODP samples.
- Application for request of biological samples
- Biological samples are stored by individual researchers. The sections in charge of managing each sample at JAMSTEC will handle the request for use.
Request for video/photo data
- Application for request of video/photo data
- Different offices will respond to requests for video/photo data, depending on the purposes of usage, such as research, media interview/filming, and commercial or others. Please submit your request at the appropriate office for your usage.