JAMSTEC > Research Institute for Value-Added-Information Generation (VAiG) > Center for Earth Information Science and Technology (CEIST) > Request for Data and Samples

Center for Earth Information Science and Technology

Request for Data and Samples

Data, samples and deep-sea video and photo obtained during Research Cruises are publicly distributed via online data sites. Please check for detailed conditions for usage described at individual data sites.

[E-mail for Request and Inquiry]


  Browse/search data and samples

GODAC data sites
JAMSTEC open to the public of online data sites, including "J-EDI (deep sea video/photo database)", "Document Catalog", "Cruise Report and DATA BOOK", and so on.

  Request for observation data

Application for request of observation data
Both online (downloadble) and offline (undownloadable) data may be listed in the data sites. If you want to use offline data, you will submit a request to have an in-person data service.

  Request for samples

Application for request of rock samples
Rock samples are stored by individual researchers. The sections in charge of managing each sample at JAMSTEC will handle the request for use.

Application for request of core samples
Piston/drilled core samples are archived at the Reefer Storages located at Kochi Core Center. JAMSTEC Core Sample Curator will respond to requests for core samples.
Note: IODP core samples are managed independently from JAMSTEC core samples. Please visit the IODP website for requesting IODP samples.

Application for request of biological samples
Biological samples are stored by individual researchers. The sections in charge of managing each sample at JAMSTEC will handle the request for use.

  Request for video/photo data

Application for request of video/photo data
Different offices will respond to requests for video/photo data, depending on the purposes of usage, such as research, media interview/filming, and commercial or others. Please submit your request at the appropriate office for your usage.