Information for Users & Researchers
Information on application for open recruitment, procedures related to boarding, data & sample collection, etc.
- Open Recruitment for Research Vessel Use & Boarding
- To Everyone Planning a Cruise or Planning to Board
- About Data & Samples to be Collected
- Other (Information about Cruise)
Open Recruitment for Research Vessel Use & Boarding
Types of Open Recruitment for Research Vessel Use
Procedures for JAMSTEC research vessels:
Types of open recruitment Shared use | Target people | Research vessels that can be used | Open recruitment window / detailed information | |
Shared use | Researchers from national, public, private universities and public research institutes in Japan, and equivalents |
Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo (AORI) | |
Internal | JAMSTEC staff |
JAMSTEC Local Web | |
Scientific Ocean Drilling Program |
International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) |
Researchers belonging to domestic and overseas research institutes and universities |
SCORE: Chikyu Shallow Core Program | J-DESC member or a group of proposers on behalf of the member Chikyu Japan Earth Science Consortium (J-DESC) | Chikyu | J-DESC website: SCORE open call for participants |
Click here for unification of open recruitment
Application Requirements
1. Planning a cruise/survey in a sea region under the jurisdiction of a foreign nation
If you have a cruise/survey planned in a foreign jurisdiction (territorial waters, exclusive economic zone (EEZ) or continental shelf, including extended continental shelf), you will need to begin the Marine Scientific Research (MSR) Foreign jurisdiction sea region consent/permission application procedures at least 10 months before the scheduled cruise start date. It is necessary that this consent/permission application procedure begin here in Japan. For more information, click here
2. Planning a survey within the Japanese exclusive economic zone
There are some precautions that should be confirmed by those who are planning a cruise in Japan’s exclusive economic zone, especially in the sea regions where fisheries are active, and for surveys using a tow cable. For more information, click here (Japanese only).
*Cases (1) and (2) above are also required for cruise planning for the deep-sea exploration vessel Chikyu
Research Vessel Shipboard Equipment
Inquiries Regarding the Use and Applications for Research Vessels
For inquiries regarding the use of and applications for research vessels, please contact the Institute for Marine-Earth Exploration and Engineering (MarE3)
Operations Department
To Everyone Planning a Cruise or Planning to Board
Mandatory Confirmation of Checks for Cruise Planning and Preparation
Did you check the boarding or visitation standards?
Currently, we have set standards for boarding and for visiting our ships to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infections. Please check these standards.
- JAMSTEC/MarE3 Criteria for Boarding Ships(PDF) 【Japanese】 【English】
- Ship visitation standards(PDF) 【Japanese】 【English】
Are there any cruises/observations in foreign jurisdiction (territorial waters, exclusive economic zone (EEZ) or continental shelf [including the extended continental shelf])?
When conducting Marine Scientific Research (MSR) in sea areas under the jurisdiction of a foreign country, consent/permission application procedures, based on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, must be submitted at least 10 months before the scheduled start date of the cruise. This is a fixed requirement.
Are there any cruises within the Japanese exclusive economic zone (especially coastal areas with active fishery zones) and surveys using towed cables?
Do you use unmanned aircraft in your cruises?
Guidelines to handle unmanned aircrafts on JAMSTEC vessels Rev.5 PDF (Japanese only)
*Note: With the mandatory registration of Unmanned Aircraft, the aircraft must display the registration ID on its body, and be equipped with remote ID function (RID) that transmits identification information remotely via radio waves. However, the flights are exempted from installing RID equipment if the aircraft is registered during the pre-registration period from December 20, 2021 until January 19, 2022. In that case, please mark both of the following check boxes in the "別添2" section of the guideline.
機体確認:機体登録 □機体への登録記号の表示及びリモートID機器の装着*
NB: 1) Indication of registration mark & 2) If aircraft registration completed before June 19, 2022.
Workflow for Research Cruises
Cruise Preparation 1
Deadline: 3-4 months before sailing (5-6 months before for overseas cruises)
- MarE3 Operations staff will contact the Primary Investigator/Chief Scientist (other boarding personnel will wait for contact)
- Confirmation of Guidance for Using Research Vessels, Equipment, etc.
Cruise Preparation 2
Deadline: 1 month before sailing (1-2 months for overseas cruises)
- Prepare and submit all documents related to boarding
( Documents to be Submitted )
Cruise Preparation 3
Deadline: Immediately before sailing
- Baggage & cargo handling (confirmation of research equipment and 3rd Party Tool)
- Confirmation of boarding guide (Boarding Guide)
On Board
- Data collection, report writing, cooperation in public relations activities, etc.
After Disembarking
- Report & data submission (Data & Sample Submission)
- Cruise Evaluation submission (Google form)
Mandatory Confirmation of Checks for Cruise Planning and Preparation
Did you check the boarding or visitation standards?
Currently, we have set standards for boarding and for visiting our ships to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infections. Please check these standards.
- JAMSTEC/MarE3 Criteria for Boarding Ships(PDF) 【Japanese】 【English】
- Ship visitation standards(PDF) 【Japanese】 【English】
Are there any cruises/observations in foreign jurisdiction (territorial waters, exclusive economic zone (EEZ) or continental shelf [including the extended continental shelf])?
When conducting Marine Scientific Research (MSR) in sea areas under the jurisdiction of a foreign country, consent/permission application procedures, based on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, must be submitted at least 10 months before the scheduled start date of the cruise. This is a fixed requirement.
Are there any cruises within the Japanese exclusive economic zone (especially coastal areas with active fishery zones) and surveys using towed cables?
Do you use unmanned aircraft in your cruises?
Guidelines to handle unmanned aircrafts on JAMSTEC vessels Rev.5 PDF (Japanese only)
*Note: With the mandatory registration of Unmanned Aircraft, the aircraft must display the registration ID on its body, and be equipped with remote ID function (RID) that transmits identification information remotely via radio waves. However, the flights are exempted from installing RID equipment if the aircraft is registered during the pre-registration period from December 20, 2021 until January 19, 2022. In that case, please mark both of the following check boxes in the "別添2" section of the guideline.
機体確認:機体登録 □機体への登録記号の表示及びリモートID機器の装着*
NB: 1) Indication of registration mark & 2) If aircraft registration completed before June 19, 2022.
Additional Resources Related to Scientific Drilling Cruises and Cruise Passengers Support
About Data & Samples to be Collected
About Data & Samples
- For JAMSTEC cruises & equipment, please refer to (Data & Sample Submission) for handling guidelines for observation data and samples obtained. The data obtained will be centrally received and stored after the cruise, and will be opened after QA/QC, and any applicable moratorium period.
- For IODP cruises, please refer to the IODP policy on data and samples, see "Access to Previously Acquired Data Samples" for an overview.
Handling of Photos and Videos
If photos and videos taken by boarding personnel during the research cruise are collected by MarE3 officials, they may be used as outreach materials for the cruise at academic conferences, events, SNS, etc.
Other (Information about Cruise)
- Operation Cruise Schedule/Proposal List (Japanese only)
- Symposium (results reporting at meetings, etc) (Japanese only)
- Ocean Observation Support
Inquiries about Cruises
For inquiries regarding cruises, please contact the Institute for Marine-Earth Exploration and Engineering (MarE3), Operations Department